Who are these guys?
Panckracy, Serwacy and Bonifacy are bad guys. St. Pancras, St. Servatius and St. Boniface are known collectively in Poland as zimni ogrodnicy (in English: the cold gardeners). Their feast days (12, 13 and 14 May) bring cold weather and the last nightly frosts of the spring. The farmers’ lore says that the weather is still too unstable to plant crops because of the danger of frost.
But who is Cold Sophia? She is their friend who comes on 15th of May. Her feast day is said to be the last day of rapid cooling in spring time.
My grandmother never planted seeds until after the 15th of May. Some say that until after full moon in May (there is a theory that the lunar cycle has a direct effect on the growth of plants).
In Hungary it was believed that the wine depends on the mood of gardeners. The wine would be acidic – when it was rainy, and when it was sunny – sweet. We have a saying in Poland Jasny dzien Pankracego, przyczynia sie do wina dobrego (in English: The sunny weather on the day of Pancras will bring good wine).